We are happy to present you our new album RockMusik (skirt music)

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1. Brüder (Brothers)
T.: J. Chr. Günther (1717), Günthers Werke in einem Band, Volksverlag Weimar 1962 (Bearb. V. Zeller)
M.: M. Zloch, M. (Walzer): U. Suchanek

The message of this song is „enjoy life while you can“. For us it is full of memories about dear friends that died too early. We dedicate it to Jitka Šuranská and Sulamith Bowinkelmann.

Brothers let’s be merry, because springtime is ongoing
and the sunshine of youth brightens our foliage
the grave and bier, they won’t wait
those who pluck the rose today will earn the wreath

Our life’s swift flight allows no reins
as fate’s jealousy keeps lending it wings
time and years are flying by 
And you might already be carving your grave’s coffin

Where are those, tell me, who just some years ago
were as young and happy as we are now?
Their bodies are covered with sand
they’ve left this world to another land

Until then, be blithe, let heaven rule
drink until the beer defeats you as it did the old folk
Off you go, I’m thirsty
and the rest of you don’t be lazy about keeping up the fashion

Let me hand you this glass to let your true love live
So that she may soon tell all of posterity about you
Since heaven may take us to our graves
before the morning bell even rings

2. Küper sien Dochter (If I don’t get Küper’s daughter, I’ll take Küper’s wife)
Dantz Büchlein Dreyßer 1720 „51 Schwaben Dänntz“ / Tanzbuch F. H. Füllgraf, Bergedorf, 1825 “ Lustig 53. Krig ich den Küper sien Dochter nicht“ / Dantz Büchlein Dreyßer, 1720 „48. Kupffer Schmitt“
Three fast three time tunes for dancing. Attention – danger of addiction!

3. Der Kater auf dem Dach (The tomcat on the roof)
T./M.: Erk/Böhme, Der deutsche Liederhort, Bd. 2 Nr. 501, Leipzig 1894
M. (Rondeau): „Tomcat“ J. Penny

This song dated 1615 is like an incantation for us, aiming for love to remain with us.

There was a tomcat on the roof It nearly laughed itself to death
Laugh o laugh you tomcat fine over the year you will be mine
I’ll hold you in my arms even if father and mother don’t like it
But father and mother are not worried they do like you, but don’t tell you
They do love you both  and the sun shine is warm
And if the sun is shining, the stars are blinking. I would like to be with my loved one
With my only love, god knows who that would be
(translation V. Zeller)

4. Warten im Garten (Waiting in the garden)
„Außer Väsen nix gewesen“: U. Suchanek / „Schlechte Vertröstung“ T/M: Erk/Böhme, Der deutsche Liederhort, Bd. 2 Nr 552b Leipzig 1894 / „Keine Polka“: V. Zeller
A love song from Kessenich near Bonn. We have framed it with a lilting tune by Ursula and one of Vivien’s polonaises.

„I planted myself a garden, 
with roses and clover so fair.
Forget-me-not flowers do also grow,
I love you dear, but you don’t know.
Oh sweet love remember me

This weed took over the garden, 
grew over the roses and all.
It planted itself in the moonshine,
That night when you love were with me and mine.
Oh sweet love remember me.

You promised to come and marry me, 
as soon as the summer is near.
The summer came and brightened the land,
But you didn´t come to take my hand. 
Oh sweet love remember me“

„Oh well my dear girl wait if you want,
Wait for another year.
If I can’t find someone else but you
If I can’t find someone better than you.
I might as well be marrying you.“
(translation V. Zeller)

5. Pudding zum Kompott (Pudding with compote)
M.: V. Zeller
A chopped schottische where you can spend time live in the kitchen.

6. Allerschönster Engel (Most beautiful child)
M./T.: Erk/Böhme, Der deutsche Liederhort Bd. 2, Nr. 505 Leipzig 1894 / „Engelspolka“: V. Zeller
This sweet little love song in the rhythm of polka from the Harz region (1777) has charmed us from day one. Wherever it’s sung it makes people smile.

Most beautiful angel, most adorable child
come on, hurry up and kiss me, and do it fast
that’s why I beg you, come on my love and kiss me
my dearest one, won’t you forget me

Your black eyes have seduced me
your sugared mouth has touched my heart so many times
that’s why…

I travel the world while you stay here
But every single day I send a sigh to you
that’s why…

Fetch water, fetch water, there is danger
or otherwise I’ll until there’s nothing left
Come on and calm me since I feel
my heart melting away like wax

7. Jäger lieth (Hunter’s song)
T.: B. Brachnike, All meine Gedanken die ich hab – Deutsche Volkslieder, Leipzig 1980 „Der leichtfertige Liebhaber (6. Str.: Bearb. TradTöchter)
M.: Dantz Büchlein Dreyßer, 1720 „20 Jäger lieth, ich ging durch einen grasgrünen Wald“

In the dance book Dreyßer, the beginning of the traditional song „the careless lover“ is written underneath this melody – if you connect tune and text, you even get an extra line of tiralalala, for everyone to join in!

„As I went through the lovely green woods, I heard the birds were singing.
As I went through the lovely green woods, I heard the birds were singing.
They sang so nice, they sang so good, the sweet little birds in the woods,
It’s lovely to hear them sing. Trallalala Trallalalala it’s lovely to hear them sing“.

„So come and sing dear nightingale, come sing about my loved one. 2x
Sing sweet and nice because tonight I am going to lay in her arms,
I am going to lay nice and warm. Trallalala…“

The day went by the night came up, sweet lovely came to her door. 2x
He knocks so gently with his ring, „I’ve waited so long, now let me in!
Sweet love, come open your door! Trallalala…“

„I don´t think that you have waited for long, ´cause I wasn´t even asleep yet 2x
I´ve waited and worried all alone, say where have you been, what took you so long?
Sweet lovely please tell me the truth. Trallalala…“ 

„You asked me where I was my dear and will give you the answer 2x
I went for beer, I went for wine, with lovely girls that I wished where all mine. 
and that’s what I’ll always will do! Trallalala …“

„I am sure no girl would kiss your lips you’re drunk as drunk could be 2x
You promise a lot, but it’s never true, there is no way that I can trust in you.
 I am going sleep by myself!“
(translation V. Zeller)

8. Antons Polonaisen
Notenbuch F. H. Füllgraf Bergedorf, 1820 Nr. 36 / 132 Duette für 2 Violinen, Menueten, Polonoisen et Bouren 1740-1770 Nr. 46 / Nr. 45

9. Selbstempfehlung der heiratsfähigen Mädchen (Self recommendation of the girls ready for marriage)
T.: Erk/Böhme Der deutsche Liederhort Bd 2, Nr 853, Leipzig 1894 (6. Str. Bearb. TradTöchter).
M.: „Lucia mit dem Lichtschwert“, U. Suchanek / „Pójž comej hyš tam do tog‘ gumna“ trad. Drehnow (Lausitz) nach einer Aufnahme von Marjanna Senkowa (1972) / „Mecklenburger Dreischritt“, Das kleine dicke Liederbuch, Darmstadt 1981.

These witty lyrics should be read with a twinkle in the eye – they’ve waited a long time to find a new life in combination with Ursula’s „Lucia“.

Who dares and wants to take me, I’m ready anytime
To enter into matrimony, I don’t have much time left
being without a man forever would be pure agony for me

No need to be ashamed of me, I have a pretty face
the one who wants to take me will surely not be deceived
my lung and liver are still fresh, I’m lively as a fish

I’m good at giving compliments like a mademoiselle
I can even babble in French, my wit’s tremendous
And if you saw me dance, you’d think I was from Maastricht

I can also do my hair in the most beautiful way
and shave my husband’s face, which saves a lot of money
whoever tries me will not be deceived

I can sew and I can knit, I know how to hold a needle
I can do all sorts of things, which benefit the household
I work hard day and night and do everything thoroughly

On the jolly wedding day there shall be lots of fun
We will eat and drink and have lots of guests
and everyone will sing
whoever tries her surely won’t be deceived

10. Roter Apfel (The apple)
T.: Fragmente aus F. D. Gräter, Bragur Bd 3 Leipzig, 1784, S. 207 ff. „Über die Teutschen Volkslieder und ihre Musik“, M.: Notenbuch des Heinrich Nicol Philipp, Seibis 1874, Teusch Nr. 14, 13 / „Frühlingsblume“ J. Wendland
Take short groovy Teusch melodies, a violin student’s polka, text fragments which used to be sung to these kinds of melodies in the 17th/18th century, two jaw harps, a bass and drums – and you’ll get a recipe for music that will make your feet move.

I don´t need a juicy apple – rotten inside – or do you?
I don´t need a pretty darling if it´s heart will not be true

When I see a pretty girl I think she should be mine
But when I climb her window she throws me from the wine

It is not, not at all, that I say I don’t like you
But I don’t, but I don’t, but I don’t lie down with you
(translation V. Zeller)

11. Battenshäger Polka / Prinzipielle Eigenwilligkeit
Tanzbuch aus Arendsee, Kühlungsborn, 1870, in: Heike Müns, Tänze Stücke und Lieder aus Musizierhandschriften in Mecklenburg, Rostock 1987 / V. Zeller
A tune from the category: Unexpected melodies from German manuscripts, and Vivien’s schottische with its matching title.

12. Ach wie ist es möglich (How)
T.: Helmina von Chézy (ca. 1824) after a thuringian folk song. edit.: V. Zeller
M.: J. Kasper / (Mazurka) „Bittersüß mit Honig“ V. Zeller
(bitter sweet with honey)
One of Vivien’s students made up the melody to suit the lyrics of the song, and it’s so beautiful that we don’t want to do without it. As a side note, the mazurka in the middle is dedicated to greek yoghurt.

How could you be thinking I’d ever let you go
I love you from my heart and always will
If I had two wings, I’d swiftly be with you
If Hawk and falcon hunt me I won’t flinch

A huntsman might me attack and shoot me down into your lap
Your loving eyes would let me know – it’s easy to go 2x
Blue is a flower. Forgetmenot it’s called
Please think of me and hold it to your heart
(translation V. Zeller)

13. Nordwind (North wind)
T.: Arnim/Bretano, Des Knaben Wunderhorn, M.: TradTöchter / 132 Duette für 2 Violinen, Menueten, Polonoisen et Bouren, 1740-1770 „Polonese 60“
A mystical spell or prayer of praise, a lydian Poloness and the longing for salvation… an invocation for storms to come and drive away the darkness.

Rise up north wind and south wind come, blow your holy air
through the garden, I will wait for you in the vault of my heart
Let your breeze roar over me, my soul is calling out for you

Rise up north wind and south wind come, chase the black clouds away
Turn the darkness into sparkles, melt all obscurity away
Do away with sombre sins, and lighten both heart and mind

Rise up north wind and south wind come, melt my cold heart
enough to love you, to practice that which does you praise
Be in favour of me, make me ardent, pour the love into my heart

14 Einmal ist keinmal (Once doesn’t count)
T.: 2,4 Pommersches Volksliedarchiv, Sign A136433-37 / 6 Ausschnitte aus “ No 65 Bauernschleifer“ C. Blum und „No 112 Schwäbisches Tanzlied“, C. M. v. Weber
M.: Mel 1. Diverses Denses pour le violon pour M. Nahke, Leipzig 1800, Mazur 14 / Mel 2,4 Tanzbuch F. H. Füllgraf, Bergedorf 1825 Nr. 28, 25 / Mel 3,5 132 Duette für 2 Violinen, Menueten, Poloisen et Bouren, 1740-1770 Schleifer S. 130 a/b / Mel 6 Tanzsammlung Dahlhoff Bd. IX/15 Westfalen 1767-1799 „Walzer oder Schleifertantz“

Together with Lustig and Schleifer melodies, short dance rhymes from Pomerania result in a wild set, which (according to C. Blum) should be played „with rustic exuberance“.

1 Love needs kisses and life needs love
I don’t know what’s better to get or to give

2 Two birds in the wood or two fishes in the water
two people in love – that’s all easy to find

3 One time doesn’t count ? – I don’t agree
If you tell me once that you don’t like me, I don’t need to hear it twice

4 My heart is a mirror dear, just look into it
Look where you want, you’ll see youself everywhere


Flute, pipes and chanters, fiddles and double bass
Go, play for the dance!
The skirts shall fly when I turn my girl
Look verger ringeding, he wings at sweet Bärbel

Fiddlers and piper play Swabian Schleifer
I’ll give you the money and you’ll play for me!
Hey hopp musicians don’t stop
Hey dancers move.
(translation V. Zeller)